
Proud Supporter of Privacy Awareness Week 2022!

May 2, 2022

Acceleon is proud to be a supporter of Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) 2022. Running from May 2-8, Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) is all about the simple, yet solid foundations that underpin how we protect our personal information.

Each year, Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) promotes and encourages people to understand how personal information is collected, handled, and protected in our businesses, our personal lives and the entities we deal with in our day-to-day.

The Australian Community Attitudes to Privacy Survey 2020 found that 70% of Australians see the protection of our personal information as a major concern. Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) opens the door for conversations around these concerns and how we mitigate them while offering support and an opportunity for reflection.

The overarching theme for PAW 2022 is “Privacy: the foundation of trust”. At Acceleon, this resonates with us greatly.

As a company that is trusted with personal information, we know and understand the importance of privacy protection and keeping the data we collect in safe hands. It’s a responsibility we take seriously, and it certainly is, as PAW 2022 has set out to showcase, the foundation of trust.

Our uncompromising commitment to privacy protection and data security is at the forefront of everything we do and is founded on a holistic approach. We believe that each privacy protection practice we have serves its own purpose but also relies on the other to build a business that has security and privacy at its code.

From knowing our obligations, planning, accessing risk to appointing the right oversight, training, preparation and constant reviews, each component relies upon the other to leave no stone unturned and pave the way for consistent, unwavering data security.

At Acceleon, we have a range of different strategies to systematically test our privacy protection and data security. One of these is the Plan-Do-Check-Act principle of our ISO 27001 certification.

As the name suggests, it’s an effective way to plan, test, check and change and continuously monitor and evolve certain processes.

Here are some examples of how we use the Plan-Do-Check-Act principle:

The great thing about the Plan-Do-Check-Act principle, is that it is a continuous loop of planning, doing, checking, and acting. It’s not a once-off way of measuring results, rather an effective and methodical way to not only assess results, but to implement change and solutions accordingly. It’s a simple, ongoing tool that can be applied time and time again for continual evaluation of our processes.

At Acceleon, constantly evaluating and evolving our approach to privacy protection is really important to us. The online world is forever changing and the way that data is collected is a big part of that. We utilise tools like Plan-Do-Check-Act to be on the front foot of change. It’s our priority to ensure that our privacy protection practices continue to work together and support our commitment to data security in the ever-evolving landscape.

Acceleon is built on layers of trust that we continually build upon and validate – when it comes to data security, our approach is no different. We are excited to stand in support the Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) mission and in alignment with its 2022 theme, Privacy: the foundation of trust.

We are always looking for opportunities to grow and to continually improve our processes for additional privacy protection and data security, being a part of Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) is just the beginning. We are proud to be a part of the conversation to raise privacy awareness and lead by example.

For more information on privacy awareness week, please visit Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) 2022.